Your guide to green skills
GM Skills Map course guides
GM Skills Map is our purpose-built course directory and learning management system, designed for SMEs in Greater Manchester. Check out our green course guides here to find training to suit your needs.

Retrofitting in Construction
Check out our range of fully funded retrofitting courses for businesses and individuals working in the construction sector, or those interested to move into construction.

Climate and Environment
View our range of climate and environment courses relevant to all industries. You'll learn the skills to make changes within your organisation and in the community.
Climate knowledge made easy
Understanding the new terminology, innovations and changes that come with climate action can be challenging, but our resource library helps you break that down through understandable, relatable information.
Retrofit Ready Workshop at The Boiler House - stay tuned!
- A workshop for Construction SMEs and experienced tradespeople interested in Retrofit certification and standards
Green Champions Event at The Boiler House - stay tuned!
- An open discussion about how and why SMEs should be 'going green', funding and support to help you achieve your 'green' goals, and the certifications to help you place a sustainability 'champion' within your team
Get Retrofit Ready
To become Carbon Neutral by 2038, Greater Manchester will need skilled, experienced, and qualified individuals in construction and other trades to help upgrade our buildings and vehicles to modern standards. That's why we're aiming to get over 1000 individuals upskilled and ready to retrofit now! Find out more.
Start your Skills for Growth Journey Today
Apply for Skills for Growth - SME Support and start upskilling your team today